Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

I felt really blessed this year as I get many greetings from my dear friends whom I don't really expect...Gillan, April, Michelle, Steph, Wei Sen, Lisa, as well as my good old buddy June in Melbourne who sms me.

Like what June says 'my birthday always makes time pass so quickly, cos they are reminded that they gonna be the same age as me soon.' How true, I always get old faster then any of you gals.

This year, I also got a very special love note from my darling Adelle. The cartoon is drawn by my mum....haha....And Adelle wrote those words to me, of course with the help of my mum too.
I still felt very happy receiving it cos Adelle has been hinting to me for the past few days that she gonna give this to me only on my birthday and not earlier. And she gave me a big hug on my birthday which makes my day.

My colleagues are also very sweet to get me a cranberry cake from Coffeebean and a lovely necklace and Gucci Envy me perfume which i like very much.

The very coincidental thing I got this year is exactly the same present from 2 groups of friends...Look!

Usually birthdays are really simple for me...cos Wayne's not into celebration and stuff. He said his mum told him that God will know about your celebrations and will ask you to join him...well, probably an excuse she cooked up so that she don't need to celebrate her 5 kids!

So we just had some great FRENCH food, at the french stall i mean :p

So Happy 33 to me....goodness, I am already in my mid 30s...