Saturday, May 31, 2008

Siloso Beach Resort revisited! - Part 1

In view of Adelle's good results, we decide to reward her a night's stay in Siloso Beach Resort upon her request. Shyen came to visit us and we went to Images of Singapore, followed by dinner at Tastes of Singapore.

The kids enjoy being piggy backed by their Daddy.

Breia goes everywhere with her baby!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Breia is officially 2 today!

Happy Birthday to my little Princess!

How time flies, she is 2 years old today. She has defintely bring many joy and laughter to my life. Mummy loves you!
We had a simple celebration with her cousins. And just nice a gift from neighbour Aunty Mary...a brown dog we named Brownie. Will post Brownie's picture later.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Breia's 2nd birthday celebration

Some random pictures with my old Panasonic Lumix. Rather blurrish for some pics :( Will post more when my sis pass me those taken by my dad' new Sony Cybershot.Relatives listening to my sister's complains? haha....Granny and mother in law having a good time catching up. Ric and Evan doing the catwalk.
Kenneth and all the kids have a good time in the pool, while Nicole is enjoying her poolside dinner.
Breia is caught running around.
Having fun with bubbles.
That's Treva, Berkley and Emma having fun. Apparently, Berkley kept asking Jessie what time is Breia's party, she can't wait!

Friday, May 02, 2008

1st missing tooth!

Most kids will start to drop their 'milk teeth' from around 6 yrs old.
Adelle's front lower right tooth has been shaking for a few weeks. We are all waiting patiently for it to drop, telling her stories like she might found her tooth in her food, or even swallow it when she sleeps!
Finally, the tooth fairy visited today! It was not a bad experience at all as you can see her smiling happily for the camera. No blood, no tears...hehe...